13 Things You Should Never, Ever Do During Your Period

Men always think we’re too emotional during that “time of the month”, so there are things you should never do while on your period. Getting...

7 Things Happy Couples Do Before They Go To Sleep

In this growing era of the constant hustle and bustle, one must feel grateful if they have even a few hours to spend with their partner. Ho...

Massage This Point Between The Eyebrows: This Is the Incredible Effect It Has on Your Body!

Often times, throughout life, people experience lack of mental energy to do certain tasks in life. Hence, at times, people become more fraz...

Natural DIY Cream that cures stretch marks and loose skin

Whether you are pregnant, you have recently given birth, or if you simply have received from Mother Nature a soft and less elastic skin, yo...

What Happens in Your Body When You Stop Wearing High Heels

Wearing high heels makes you look taller, more attractive and more feminine, but it can also cause muscle pain and weakness in your legs. W...

Listerine & Vinegar Foot Miracle Soak Recipe for Toenail Fungus, Dead Skin, Calluses & Cracked Heels

Use two common household ingredients to soak your way to soft feet in no time! After soaking, your heels will be more supple and your feet ...

Stop Washing Your Hair In The Wrong Way, Here’S How You Should Do It

You may be washing your hair every day to keep it clean and nurtured, but you may be doing that completely wrong. Your hair’s shine, bounce...